Simple lifestyle changes can make it easier to raise happy, healthy families. Deciding which changes you want to make is as easy as 1-2-3-4-5. Here’s how to set goals.
Set Priorities! What is really important to you? How do you spend your time? If the way you spend your time is not important or necessary, then it is time to make changes. For example, is it more important to spend more time with your kids or have a clean house? You decide! If both are important, get the kids to help you clean.
Work on Easy Changes First! Really big goals can be scary. Try something small first. For example, if you want to cut back on sugary drinks, try having a little less when you drink them. Keep making these small changes to add up to a big change. Working on easy changes first can help you make harder changes later.
Give Yourself Enough Time! Making changes can be stressful. Your lifestyle has developed over many years—trying to change overnight is too frustrating. So take it slow.
Give Yourself a Pat on the Back! You are probably already doing many things to help your family. While you are making changes, don’t forget to think about the things you already do and keep doing them.
Track Your Progress! Using the tracker sheet that goes with each HomeStyles guide makes it easy to see when you reach goals and your family deserves a reward for a job well done!
Stay Motivated! Keep motivated by remembering how much you adore your family and that you can take steps to keep them healthy.
Encourage Your Family! Keep your family moving by rewarding them for making lifestyle changes and reaching goals.
Got Off Track? Just Start Again! Even small, simple steps make big differences! If you get off track, just start again. Or, choose another guide that may be easier for your family.